Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Ballerina

I twist and turn;
I fly so high;
With grace and poise;
Balance in dance!

I wear toe- shoes;
I'm on my toes;
I fling my arms
And legs in charms.

I leap off ground!
The world's dumb-found;
Stretching my limbs,
More than they go.

I'm dressed in white;
I'm strong and light;
Earth's gravity
Frightens me not.

I drop to earth,
Akin snow-flakes;
How feathers do,
And autumn leaves.

I keep my weight;
I love my fate;
I use the Barre;
I am a star.

With mind-control
I move each part;
I bend and curl,
And twirl and dart.

I spin top-like;
I sing in mike;
I'm famous now;
To me, all bow.

I love my stance,
The elegance,
The style of dance,
And circumstance.

But I am not
A butterfly!
I dance to tune,
Stop in mid-air!

I've trained for years;
I've shunned my fears;
I've learnt the craft;
'Tis now an art!

I love my exercises;
I like my enterprises;
I am a ballerina now;
I am a ballerina, Wow!

by Dr John Celes

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

India’s Sixtieth Independence Day

India’s Sixtieth Independence Day

Though sixty years have passed off well,
After India’s independence,
There are places, problems like hell:
Let Indians rethink, be wise hence!

Problems of caste, community,
Sex, water-sharing between states,
Corruption in bureaucracy,
Fights for resources, envy, hates!

Our Father Gandhi got freedom,
After immense struggle, blood-shed,
We realize his work seldom:
Our patriotism seems dead!

Let’s rediscover our values;
Let better sense prevail in us;
Let’s give the world some better news;
Let not our poorer brethren curse!

Our country has done well always;
Our nation has achieved in spheres;
Our democracy has strong base;
Let’s shed our inhibitions, fears!

’Tis time to strengthen our world-ties;
’Tis time to work for global peace;
’Tis time to give up every vice;
’Tis time to fight our greed, disease.

We have a glorious heritage;
We ought to spread love everywhere;
We mustn’t live in a selfish-cage;
Our souls must breathe the freedom’s air!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 8-11-2007

‘Bharat Vriksh’

‘Bharat Vriksh’

I saw a tree with leaves all green;
For centuries, cut, it had been!
Last sixty years, it grew again,
Well nurtured by the sun and rain.

Its roots were firmly anchored deep;
New twigs and leaves began to peep;
And soon, it was a mammoth tree!
And birds built nests, sang happily.

The stump that was some years ago,
Came back to life like magic, Lo!
Its flowers blossomed and turned fruits;
The tree was live, because of roots!

Despite the fact, the trunk was cut,
Its life remained preserved well but,
Its growth was hampered, bit somewhat,
A newer lease of life, it got!

The ‘Bharat Vriksh’ was what I saw;
Its roots were watered by blood raw
Of freedom-fighters, leaders great,
Who sacrificed their lives and fate!

The massive trunk was people’s might,
And patriots who went to fight;
The branches cut were widows made,
And mothers, whose sons had all died.

The tree looks lovely now but then,
For snakes, ants, vermin, ’tis haven;
They suck the sap and eat the wood,
And devour the fruits as food!

We Indians must preserve this tree;
Our fathers made us ever free;
We live a life of dignity;
Let Indians live in unity.

Remember all the brave souls lost;
Remind ourselves our freedom’s cost;
Let’s love our heritage always;
Let’s lead the world in every race!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 17-8-2007

A Poetic Tribute to Shri. APJ Abdul Kalam

A Poetic Tribute to Shri. APJ Abdul Kalam

Aim for the moon, if not the Mars;
Aim for the stars but avoid wars;
Aim for frontiers, without a fence;
Aim for world-peace, co-existence.

Aim for children who have a dream;
Aim for good youth, with smiles to beam;
Aim for a stronger India;
Aim for a world that’s terror-free.

Aim for dialogues, not sanctions;
Aim for amity of nations;
Aim for a better world for man;
Aim for achievements in life-span!

Abdul Kalam, he had a dream;
And labored hard within a team;
He gave the country missiles great;
And made Bharat, a nuclear state!

He served his tenure usefully;
He left his office peacefully;
He lives a life most hopefully;
‘Just love your brethren sincerely!’

Fondly and most respectfully dedicated to
Shri APJ Abdul Kalam,
Our beloved Ex-President of INDIA
Copyright by Dr John Celes 7-24-2007

A Paper-boat just on the Sea!

A Paper-boat just on the Sea!

A paper-boat, I tend to be!
The sea of life is too stormy;
Afraid I am, it could sink me,
Before I can reach land’s safety!

But if He wants, the Almighty,
Could work miracles still for me;
And guide the boat to shore safely,
And keep me dry eternally!

A paper-boat just on the sea!
How can it float for long freely?
And when the sea becomes angry,
Can it escape its cruelty?

But all the same, I move slowly;
Nothing on earth can deter me;
Unless something so cowardly,
Drenches the boat mercilessly.

A paper-boat just on the sea!
I know I must make it surely;
And when I reach the shore, may be,
I will feel immensely happy!

A paper-boat just on life’s sea!
Who else would want to be like me?
God is my guide and my safety;
In Him, I have strong faith truly!

A paper-boat just on the sea!
A paper-boat, I tend to be;
A paper-boat, I want to be-
A paper-boat just on life’s sea!
Copyright by Dr John Celes 4-26-2000


60th Independence Day of India (An Acrostic)
I Love My Motherland India Because:

Integrity of the nation is paramount
No one is above the laws of the land
Democracy: largest and strongest in the world exists
Industries and industriousness reinforce each other
A’ll are given equal opportunities for development
Sanctity: sacred rivers like Ganges, Brahmaputra, Cauvery etc flow

Security: scientists, sages, seers have had their birth
Indianness, indigenization are of prime value
Xians, Muslims, Sikhs, Parsees,Jains, and others live in amity
Traditions and cultural heritage are mostly preserved
Intellectual resource is an unfathomable wealth
Education has been revitalized through mass media of communication in a big way
Togetherness of peoples has led to unity and harmony
Health: for all is through PHCs,

Internet is revolutionizing mass-education, transactions and
Neutrality makes India a most-friendly nation
Defence includes offence and deterrence
English knowledge is a valuable asset for jobs abroad
Population is both a unique advantage as well as demerit
Economy is quite independent of global factors
Nuclear power is used for peaceful purposes mainly
Development of the individual and nation happens in right proportions
Equality of sexes, creeds and communities is constitutionally safe-guarded
Non-governmental organisations play a vital role in many spheres
Companies of multi-national origin vie with one another to do business in India
Emphasis is on love and brotherhood of nations and not war

Deterioration of social and moral values is not a problem as yet
Agriculture is the main-stay of most people
Yeoman service has been offered by India to most world bodies and in world affairs

Copyright by Dr John Celes 13-8-2007